Wikipedia, H.G. Wells and the Transhuman World Brain


‘Well, it’s in our faces, and as usual we were warned. Wikipedia is bragging about their agenda now, while most of the whirled is tickled that “someone” is gathering all of this information in one (heavily thought-policed) place for their “easy reference”.

Whirled without a clue.

Technology is climbing up humanity’s back like fast spreading black veins in a bad sci-fi movie. The takeover attempt is obvious and repugnant to any thinking and feeling individual. Most just observe as they’re taken over by this web of control, but many of us are wide awake and aware of what is going down.’

Read more: Wikipedia, H.G. Wells and the Transhuman World Brain

The post Wikipedia, H.G. Wells and the Transhuman World Brain appeared first on David Icke.

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