You Can’t Trust the Government With Your Children

Government at every level often seeks to justify its enacting of laws, rules, and regulations by claiming that doing so is for the health and safety of our children. This is the case even when our children are teenagers and young adults.

Here are three examples.

A crisis exists in the state of New Jersey. It turns out that nineteen and twenty-year-olds in the state “currently purchase about 8.2 million packs of cigarettes per year.” A bill pending in the New Jersey legislature would raise the legal purchasing age for cigarettes and electronic smoking devices to twenty-one. In addition, “almost all forms of smoking materials and devices would be subject to the new law, including electronic cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos and pipes.” If the bill becomes law, retailers who violate it “would face penalties up to $250 for the first violation, $500 for a second violation and $1,000 for each following citation.” Plus, anyone who gives a tobacco product to someone under age twenty-one “would receive a petty disorderly persons offense.” In a handful of states, one must be nineteen to purchase tobacco products.

7. There are over 58,000 U.S. soldiers who died in Vietnam to get their names inscribed on a wall.

8. Hundreds of military personnel and veterans commit suicide every year.

9. Some soldiers die in training accidents without ever even seeing combat.

10. The world’s prostitution industry is dependent upon the young men in the U.S. military.

Don’t look to the government to protect your children. Protect them yourself. And at the top of your list of ways to protect them, write down this: Keep them out of the military.

The post You Can’t Trust the Government With Your Children appeared first on LewRockwell.

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