A Unique and Unprecedented Turning-Point in Human History

We are standing at a unique and unprecedented turning-point in history; not in the current decades or the past few years, but in fact history has moved into a new phase in the past several days.  No one yet knows what it will bring, whether for much better or for much worse; we must see to it that it is much better.

Even the people who are making the plays, don’t know what the plays are going to be, Lyndon LaRouche said today.

As LaRouche expressed it earlier, on Feb. 1:        

“We’re going into an area of change, which has no precedent for us, so far.  And therefore, the problem we have to consider, is to investigate in terms of our own opinions, to investigate those matters which have to be explored for this time.  Because it’s not going to be the same old, same old; it’s going to be much different.  It’s inevitable to be different.”

The only things we can rely on to guide our actions in these unique days of destiny, are the most deeply-known and most fundamental truths.  These are not what most of the falsely-educated would say they are,— what is known to each of us most intimately is the fundamental nature of man.  Not the “practical man,” but the man we meet only when man ventures out into space.

Or when man is actually functioning competently.

As Lyndon LaRouche said on Feb. 1:        

“We reached out to try to understand what there is about mankind; what is mankind; why does mankind exist?  What is the meaning of mankind’s existence?  And we find out that you have to go out into the galactic waters and places like that in order to discover and experience the meaning of the thing.  Mankind has, long before, understood that mankind is a unique creature, a unique creation; the process has been to try to extend our insight into what that means.  And that’s exactly where we have to start on these issues under these present conditions.  If you don’t do that, you’re not getting at the point; you’re making mistakes in explanations and so forth, and they’re wrong.  The point is, mankind is a creative force in the universe; but mankind has to learn how to behave in order to realize the role of being a force in the universe.”

These are not man-made but universal principles,— the principles we access through the space program. “The development of the space program was the development of man’s ability to shape the destiny of the planetary system.  With mankind’s intelligence, its intelligent role in dealing with the opportunities and challenges otherwise which far space represents; all the galactic watershed principles and things like that.  All of these things are things which are created not by man; they’re not the creations of man.  They involve the potential of creation by man; but they are actually representations of principles which create and improve the universe.  And therefore, it’s the development of the mental powers of creativity of that nature, which defines the real significance of mankind as such.  Without that, there is nothing; there is not something that is given to us, automatically; like something thrown down in the street.  These things which are creative, were created by the minds of persons, individuals; and those individuals were individuals who created the access to understand how the universe works.  So, the genius lies in the universe; not in the individual person.  It lies in the role of the individual person to do the work of building up the universe.”

John F. Kennedy once said, “Man, in his quest for knowledge and progress, is determined and cannot be deterred.  The exploration of space will go ahead, whether we join it or not, and it is one of the greatest adventures of all times, and no nation which expects to be the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in the race for space.”

Indeed, the fact that the trans-Atlantic region, dominated by the British Empire, is now nothing other than an impotent rust-bucket, is summed up in the fact that it is none other than Barack Obama who cancelled the U.S. space program shortly after coming into office.  Meanwhile, China has forged ahead in space, and is right now inspiring its 1.4 billion people with the prospect of the future first (robotic) landing on the far side of the moon,— of which man has only had furtive glimpses so far,— in all of human history.  Now Americans will not succeed in anything unless they take inspiration from Russia and China,— regardless of what anyone might say about this.

“First of all, the issue here is, we have a contest between, on the one side, Putin, who is a leading figure in the world, as a whole, and what has happened also, in terms of China.  Now if you look at the picture of a map of society, you will say that most of the society we talk about, the trans-Atlantic community, is in collapse.  It is a failure.  It has been a failure.  As of now, it continues to be a failure.  And we are trying to kick it back into some kind of effectiveness.  But the fact is, we need to depend on the leading role of Russia and China.  Now Russia and China are a different part of the whole planet than the other parts, in general.  India is part of the group of this interest.

“But the trans-Atlantic community is really broken down.  It has no intrinsic skill for survival.  It can only gain, or regain, survival by following the leadership of Putin and China. And what goes along with them, is India is coming up rapidly with their work, and other work is happening in Asia.

“So therefore, the trans-Atlantic area of the planet is a fraud.  It’s a failure.  It would have to be reconstructed entirely.  The only place where we can get that reconstruction, is with China and Russia.  Without those nations, we don’t have a future.  What we have is, in fact, we have something that’s already dead.  It’s called the British Empire.  And the British Empire is dead.  Unfortunately, it’s not yet buried.  And it’s still walking around making demands.

“So I think the theme of our situation right now, is just that.  We have two leading elements, which are closely allied, Russia and China.  Europe is a disaster, otherwise; and much of the United States is an absolute disaster.

“So therefore, our job is to actually bring together the authority of what China and Russia represent, and their allies now.  And we have to sort of get rid of the rubbish, which can be found in abundance in the halls of our Congress.  I think Wall Street is a disease, but the disease has taken over the government of the United States.”

The problem is, what they’re doing,— that is the trans-Atlantic community,— is they’re committing suicide.  They are saying, “We, by committing mass-suicide, and by trying to kill as many people as possible otherwise,— are going to achieve a great victory!”  This thing is complete insanity.  It has to be called insanity.  People say, “But it’s not insane,— we intend this!  Therefore it’s not insane!”

And the dark side of the Moon is coming into view.

You have no other option: you have to accept the means which could be the option,— and that’s the only hope for mankind.

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