Campaign for Liberty Strongly Opposes Internet Sales Tax Scheme

SPRINGFIELD, Virginia – Today, Campaign for Liberty again came out strongly against legislation imposing new taxes on online commerce, such as the Marketplace Fairness Act (S. 698) and the Remote Transactions Parity Act (H.R. 2775), after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell indicated he would hold a Senate vote on legislation increasing taxes and regulations on e-commerce later this year.

“It’s disappointing the Senate still has not gotten the message that Americans want the Internet to remain a tax-free zone. Campaign for Liberty will do all we can to make sure the Senate and the House hear the message loud and clear that Americans don’t want this legislation.

“Internet sales tax legislation allows tax-hungry politicians and bureaucrats to reach their hands across state lines, violating the principle of “no taxation without representation,” and benefitting large retailers by crippling their smaller online competitors with stifling new regulations.” said Campaign for Liberty President Norm Singleton.

Campaign for Liberty opposes any legislation that seeks to hamper the unprecedented advances and prosperity that the Internet has achieved.

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