Central banksters say outlawing cash will stop criminals … while stealing trillions from everyone by ‘printing’ money out of thin air


‘The push by the world’s central bankers to essentially ban the use of cash is intensifying, but it belies another truth that is hard to escape: Even as they advocate a cashless society, which they say is necessary to reduce theft and stop criminals, these same central bankers are printing money like crazy.

As noted by Simon Black at Sovereign Man, the push for a cashless society is not just growing, it’s disturbing, and for a number of reasons. First, the obvious reason is the control it would give central banks and governments over their citizens; the second is that, in the event of a societal collapse or a cyber attack on global finances, a person’s wealth would be wiped out with a few computer keystrokes.’

Read more: Central banksters say outlawing cash will stop criminals … while stealing trillions from everyone by ‘printing’ money out of thin air

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