Corbyn wins 18 elections by a landslide, the media’s silence is deafening


‘Jeremy Corbyn was given a decisive mandate from Labour’s youth wing in party elections on Thursday. On regional boards and Young Labour’s national committee, 18 seats were up for grabs and Corbyn supporters won every one.

This is a sweeping success for the Labour leader, and for Momentum – the grassroots organisation set up following Corbyn’s leadership win. It could be a sign of things to come at next weeks annual conference for the party’s youth wing, where pivotal roles, of the chair and National Executive Committee representative, will be decided.

But this landslide victory has barely been reported in the media. Highly influential institutions like the BBC consider non-events, such as Russian planes flying close to UK airspace, worthy of top story attention. But when it comes to developments that could have a huge impact on our democracy, such as who people want to lead the country, they simply pass on by.’

Read more: Corbyn wins 18 elections by a landslide, the media’s silence is deafening

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