Doctors rebuked by federal appeals court after trying to invade patients’ rights by demanding to know whether they own guns

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‘For the third time, a U.S. Court of Appeals panel has reaffirmed the constitutionality of a Florida law that protects citizens from being asked questions by doctors about gun ownership.

In the latest development regarding the so-called “Docs vs. Glocks” case, the Florida Firearm Owners Privacy Act has been upheld in the courts. In earlier rulings it was held that the act was a “valid regulation of physicians’ speech,” and that it passed the First Amendment intermediate scrutiny standard.

The law in question prevents doctors from asking a patient (or a minor patient’s parents) whether or not they own guns, unless it is relevant to their medical treatment or care.’

Read more: Doctors rebuked by federal appeals court after trying to invade patients’ rights by demanding to know whether they own guns

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