Extraterrestrial Culture Day

It’s Extra-terrestrial Culture Day, haven’t you heard?

The event takes place annually on the second Tuesday in February and was created to “celebrate and honour all past, present and future alien visitors”.

It began in 2003 when Daniel Foley, a Republican from Roswell, saw his proposal approved in the House of Representatives.

It said aliens have contributed to the recognition of New Mexico, with the state associated with little green men since the purported UFO crash in 1947.

We take a look back at the infamous Roswell incident.

What happened

On July 8 1947, an object crashed near a rancher’s home in Roswell, New Mexico, during a powerful storm.

Rancher W.W. “Mack” Brazel retrieved some of the metal debris and many witnesses associated with the incident noted its unusual properties.

“The odd thing about this foil was that you could wrinkle it and lay it back down and it immediately resumed its original shape,” William Brazel Jr, Mack’s son, reportedly said in a witness statement.

The “flying disk”

Suspicion was fuelled after Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) public information officer Walter Haut announced in a press release that a “flying disc” had been recovered.

Hours later, as government scientists arrived in the area, it was stated instead that a weather balloon had crashed.


The incident soon became largely forgotten until 1978 when physicist Stanton T. Friedman interviewed Major Jesse Marcel, who had been involved in recovering debris in 1947.

Major Marcel claimed that the US government covered up the existence of an alien aircraft, sparking years of conspiracy theories.

In a deathbed admission, Haut said the weather balloon was a cover story and claimed to have seen aliens.

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