Filmmaker Reveals the Truth About Subliminal Messages

Untitled‘The reality is that we are all being conditioned to think and believe certain things without any rational explanation through subliminal messaging in advertising, music, film, television, political propaganda, and military psychological operations.

Considering the definition of the word subliminal – ‘existing or functioning below the threshold of consciousness’ – it is easy to downplay the power of this brainwashing technique because most people are not consciously aware that it is happening, yet, it is affecting their lives. Once you realize that subliminal messaging is real and start to pay attention, it becomes much easier to recognize the we are, indeed, all being conditioned to behave a certain way, to want certain things, and to believe in ideas, without being able to rationally explain why.’

Read more: Filmmaker Reveals the Truth About Subliminal Messages

The post Filmmaker Reveals the Truth About Subliminal Messages appeared first on David Icke.

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