Madman Erdogan Trying to Pin Ankara Massacre on YPG Kurds of Northern Syria, Despite Blatant False Flag by Turkish Intelligence; Turkey Warns Russia that Moscow Will Be Held Responsible for Any Future Terrorism on Its Territory; Turks Seeking to Defend ISIS/Daesh Lifeline Through Jarablus-Efrin Corridor; Davutoglu Hurls 500 Terrorists at Azaz to Keep Road Open for Jihadis Retreating from Aleppo; Obama Must Condemn Erdogan and Reject His Demands

United Front Against Austerity | Tax Wall Street Party Morning Briefing | Friday, February 19, 2016

Turkey’s pro-terrorist president Erdogan, widely reputed to be a kingpin of the Moslem Brotherhood, and seen in many circles as the true Caliph of the Islamic State, delivered an address to his nation yesterday in which he formally […]

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