Minnesota lawmakers consider banning neonicotinoid pesticides decimating bees and the environment


‘Like people in other states across the U.S., Minnesotans are concerned about their declining honeybee populations, and are pushing state regulators to take action. In October, the state Department of Agriculture released an outline on the study of neonicotinoids, a class of neuro-active insecticides similar to nicotine that are killing beneficial insects like honeybees.

The state’s overview of neonics quickly drew criticism, as the study did not include the possibility of banning the chemicals, according to a report by the StarTribune. More than 400 upset citizens wrote the agency, complaining that the study made no mention of banning the chemicals, despite their known adverse environmental effects.

“Obviously people are very interested in this,” said Gregg Regimbal, an official with the department’s Pesticide and Fertilizer Management Division. “It’s a very complex issue and it’s highly charged.”‘

Read more: Minnesota lawmakers consider banning neonicotinoid pesticides decimating bees and the environment

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