Mustering the Emotional and Spiritual Maturity to Face the Satanic Cult


‘Spiritual maturity is what is needed most right now by humanity en masse to deal with the predicament we are in. We are in the midst of an unspeakable and horrific evil, but rather than evil, I suggest we use the termunconsciousness (as Eckhart Tolle author of Power of Nowadvises). We have allowed deeply unconscious individuals and groups to infiltrate and seize the power centers of our societies. The “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” that JFK referred to is, in fact, a Satanic cult that rules through black magic. Many whistleblowers have affirmed this such as the most recent one from Australia, Fiona Barrett.

This international Satanic cult is composed of some of the most famous and respected people in the world. It is the dark heart of the New World Order. There is only one way out of this for mankind: to muster up the courage, in terms of both emotional maturity and spiritual maturity, to face this Satanic cult head on, expose its crimes and get these Satanists out of power, so they can no longer continue their lying, thieving, raping and killing ways.’

Read more: Mustering the Emotional and Spiritual Maturity to Face the Satanic Cult

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