Obama Has Been Weakened by Putin—Americans Must Remove Him Or Face World War

The flanking operation by Vladimir Putin in Syria, which has exposed the British/Saudi axis behind the terrorist networks across the region, has so weakened the British puppet Obama that only the fear and cowardice of the American people, and of their political leadership, is allowing him to remain in office for even another day. Putin’s air power and cooperation with the legitimate Syrian government forces is now on the verge of crushing the terrorist insurgency in Syria.        

But Putin’s brilliant strategic move into Syria was not simply local to the Mideast. Together with China, Putin has demonstrated the failure of the entire trans-Atlantic system. That trans-Atlantic banking system is now teetering on the brink, with trillions of dollars of fake speculative values being wiped off the books of the leading western banks over the past few weeks. Every insane effort to prop up the bankrupt banking system has now been exposed as a failure: quantitative easing; zero interest rates for 8 years, followed now by negative interest rates; bail-outs and now bail-ins; and deadly austerity conditions. All this has destroyed nearly all actually productive capacity in the US and much of Europe, but failed utterly to save the degenerate banking system. Nothing short of a Glass Steagall reform, wiping out the illegitimate portion of the debt, can stop the disaster now being played out.

As a demonstration of Putin’s leading role internationally, the UN Security Council today, in a meeting called by Russia, acted upon a call from the Syrian Government of Bashar al-Assad to condemn the government of Turkey for criminally shelling areas in northern Syria over the past four days. The Turkish government of President Erdogan, Obama’s closest friend in the region, is desperate to stop the offensive by the Syrian government and Syrian Kurd forces to close off the border, a move which will end Turkey’s ability to arm the terrorist networks in Syria on behalf of Obama and the British/Saudi axis.        

“All members of the Security Council … agreed to ask for Turkey to comply with international law,” said Venezuelan Ambassador Rafael Ramirez, who now chairs the Security Council after the meeting. Even the US and the British had to agree!.        

What Russia and China are doing across Eurasia through the BRICS, the AIIB, and other development initiatives, can and must be brought to the United States as well, as President Xi Jinping has proposed, and as the LaRouche movement has demanded.        

In India today, President Narendra Modi instructed his ministries to prepare applications to the AIIB, which will begin lending in the coming months, to help fund his plans for nearly 30 million new homes in rural areas, new high speed rail lines across the nation, and a new irrigation system to control the monsoons and droughts. God knows the US needs the same vision.        

Obama will do none of this, nor would any of the incompetents running for president from either party. The election has become a “reality show” farce, diverting the population from the dire crisis and the urgent solutions, which are well known to readers of this report.        

Obama, in the meantime, summoned the leaders of the ten ASEAN nations to California, where he lectured them on the dangers of China. He will get nothing from most of them, since they recognize China as a nation of vision, of development, of space exploration, of science, and of hope, while the US has become a feared, evil force for war and depression. Obama must be removed.

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