Rape Is Not So Bad

One of the biggest viral stories on social media last week was a laughably idiotic Finnish “how to” video that ostensibly demonstrates the proper way for women to defend themselves against rapists. The video, produced by state-run broadcaster Yle, reveals the top three police-certified methods that women should use against an attacker: “No,” “Push,” and “Handbag.”

In the video, a young blond woman, trudging her way down a snowy street, is accosted by a white ne’er-do-well (needless to say, the Finnish media would never dare portray the attacker as a nonwhite immigrant or “refugee”). Upon being grabbed by the unwelcome roisto, the young lady turns and forcefully shouts, “Ei!” (“no”). Humiliated and defeated, the Bieberesque thug sheepishly relents and walks away. In scenario No. 2, the pesky grabber returns, this time to be met with a two-handed open-palm push (accompanied, bafflingly, by a Jedi-type repelling force). Again, the attacker yields, unable to pierce the impenetrable defense. Finally, in scenario 3, the woman is forced to bring out the big guns—her handbag, which she swings with grit and determination at her assailant, who cowers and runs in abject terror.

The accompanying article on the Yle website informs readers that the actions depicted in the video represent the limit of what a woman facing a potential rapist is allowed to do; anything more would constitute “excessive force.”

As should have been expected, the video was met with much-deserved online ridicule. From News.com.au:

The anti-rape video has been likened to advice given by the mayor of Cologne to remain at “arm’s length” from attackers…. Finnish social media users were scathing. “It’s a shame you’ve only made this video now,” wrote Ville Mikkonen. “This would have come in handy on New Year in Helsinki, Cologne and elsewhere.” Some questioned whether the video was a joke or a Saturday Night Live sketch…. Many were simply angry. “It’s not even funny anymore, but really, really pathetic that it’s come to this,” wrote Jaana Tuukkanen.

Facebook users from around the world have pilloried Yle’s official page with hundreds of derisive comments. Several Americans have commented to the effect of “It won’t be long before these types of videos are forced upon us here.”

“Won’t be long”? Have some faith in your country, why don’t ya? The U.S. under Obama may no longer lead the world in areas like science and technology, but dammit we’re still No. 1 where it counts—social justice! U.S. government leftists produced a much worse version of that Finnish video, and they did it back in 2013. Yes, our politically correct social engineers beat the Finns to the punch by three whole years. And the production of our “nonviolent rape defense” video wasn’t left to a bunch of glorified Youtubers pushing buttons at a state-run TV station. Our “be kind to rapists” video was produced by the United States Department of Defense! And it makes the Finnish video look like a Charles Bronson film.

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