Russia, China, India Have Sane Leaders — Can We?

Another step in the process of ending the Mideast’s “permanent war and terrorism,” a further step agreed between the Russian Foreign Minister and the U.S. Secretary of State, will now be discussed by Russian President Putin with Barack Obama. But Obama knows nothing but to denounce Putin — who has “miniaturized” him — and to try, unsuccessfully, to organize Asia in a confrontation against China.

There is only one path, by which the war and terrorism which George W. Bush and Obama unleashed on the Mideast and North Africa can be ended. That is Putin’s “flank” begun with his intervention in Syria last September, and the prospect of China’s “New Silk Road” bringing great projects and economic development through that region. That path is also Germany’s only way out of a refugee crisis Europe cannot handle.

But the United States has a President determined to continue to play at the British imperial policy of wars and drone assassinations, and geopolitical plots to “surround” China and Russia, even to provoke war with them. The Obama who does not think the United States needs a lunar or planetary space program, or a fusion power program, and doesn’t think a President needs Congressional authorization for disastrous wars.

It’s Tuesday, and you know what that means at the White House…

Against the leaderships of China, Russia, India, Obama in office belittles the United States and brings it into disrepute; he must be removed.

And the candidates running for that office ignore and deny economic, political, and military reality as if they had been specially chosen — by Wall Street — to do so. Thirty or 40 years ago, no American would have believed that this collection of Presidential candidates could ever be “all there is.”

The United States does have leaders whose grasp of human reality and whose determination to better it, is capable of looking into the future as the leaderships of the BRICS powers do. One is LaRouche Democrat Kesha Rogers of Texas, twice winning Democratic Congressional nominations to “Save NASA; Impeach Obama,” and now leading a national mobilization to restore the U.S. space program and the nation’s scientific culture.

Her colleagues in the LaRouchePAC National Policy Committee have all conducted equally important campaigns, like Rachel Brown Brinkley’s campaigns against Rep. Barney Frank which put restoring Glass-Steagall on the national map beginning in 2010; Michael Steger’s campaign for a real “produce water” solution to the great western drought.

Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, over decades, have actually created, as a worldwide reality, what is now known as China’s New Silk Road, or World Landbridge program of economic development. They have laid down the markers on how to fight British-Saudi “jihadist” terrorism, and the drug traffic which has funded it, in parallel to Putin’s largely successful 20-year war against that scourge.

They know what a “win-win” policy actually is.

A very small leadership force, but capable, if you back them, getting Obama out, of shutting down the collapsing Wall Street casino, of getting the successful policies of President Franklin Roosevelt applied to a real economic recovery. A small force, but capable, like successful national leaderships, of thinking of a better future for the human species.

Sign me up, I’m with you.

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