Saudi Arabia’s ‘religious police’ arrest doll mascot for breaching Sharia Law


‘A doll mascot has been arrested by Saudi Arabia’s Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice for not wearing Islamic dress and disobeying Sharia Law.

The female doll figure, dressed in a floor length blue and white costume and a hair band, was promoting the opening of a sweet shop in the capital Riyadh. Inside the costume however, was a man who was reportedly making inappropriate gestures to his male mascot companion, according to Global Voices.

The Committee – also known as the “religious police” or “mutaween” – issued a statement on the incident, saying they received a number of reports about the two figures making unacceptable gestures in front of Sanabil Al Salam shop.’

Read more: Saudi Arabia’s ‘religious police’ arrest doll mascot for breaching Sharia Law

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