Scientists sue NY state police for forcing them to ‘customize’ DNA test results


‘Three scientists have filed a lawsuit against a New York State Police crime lab where they were employees, saying the administration retaliated against them after they discovered that staff were using outdated DNA evidence tests to get more convictions.

Shannon Morris, Melissa Lee and Kevin Rafferty are seeking unspecified damages in federal court, AP reports. They filed a complaint last week in which they stated that they were retaliated against after they had objected to the lab’s current DNA test and called for the adoption of a more modern and accurate procedure. The agency allegedly refused to acknowledge any flaws in the current system and urged them to keep their mouths shut, they said.

The three claim that the police department was not eager to employ the new method, known as TrueAllele system, which would guarantee better accuracy. Scientists say the police were satisfied with the old testing procedure as it reportedly secured more convictions.’

Read more: Scientists sue NY state police for forcing them to ‘customize’ DNA test results

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