Sex abuse inquiry trawls ex-PM Edward Heath’s diaries and letters

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‘British police are to spend a year reading through the private papers of the late-former prime minister Edward Heath as part of an inquiry into sex abuse allegations.

Wiltshire Constabulary is recruiting civilian investigators – usually retired officers – to examine the archive of the late Conservative PM who died in 2005 after several claims of sexual abuse surfaced.

Detectives will search through 4,500 boxes of uncatalogued material, which includes diaries and personal letters, all of which are held in the Sir Edward Heath archive at the Bodleian Library in Oxford.

The investigation comes in response to at least seven allegations of abuse brought against Heath, including one claim the former PM abused a boy on his yacht before throwing him overboard.’

Read more: Sex abuse inquiry trawls ex-PM Edward Heath’s diaries and letters

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