Supreme Court Stays EPA Coal Ruling: Blow to Obama, COP21 Genocide

The centerpiece of Barack Obama’s program to shut down coal plants across the United States in the fraudulent name of “reducing carbon emissions”, was halted by the U.S. Supreme Court Feb. 10, with its 5-4 ruling granting a stay on implementation of Obama’s “Clean Power Plan” until the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals rules on whether the plan is legal or not. That won’t be soon; oral arguments on the lawsuit filed by 27 states and industry opponents contesting its legality, begin on June 2, 2016, and a decision could come months afterwards.

“U.S Supreme Court Torpedoes Paris COP21 Accord,” green genocide supporters screamed. Unable to get legislation passed with sufficient “climate change” restrictions to shut down U.S. industry as demanded by the British Royal Family, Obama walked into the December COP21 climate change-conference in Paris bragging that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations his Clean Power plan imposed on the U.S. coal industry would do the trick. The New York Times warned today that the global warming accord reached in Paris “had as a cornerstone Mr. Obama’s assurance that the United States would carry out strong, legally sound policies to significantly cut carbon emissions,” and that is now in peril. A Chinese government thinktanker told the Times that if “low carbon development” is overturned in the U.S., opponents in China of these policies will use that to overturn such policies in China, too. An Indian “climate diplomat” similarly told the Times that the decision “could be the proverbial string which causes Paris to unravel.”

The Supreme Court stay is not the final word, but it was considered “stunning” and “extraordinary,” because the court so rarely intervenes in this way while a matter is still before a lower court. Furthermore, given the conditions cited in the Supreme Court’s own “Reporter’s Guide to Applications Pending Before the Supreme Court of the United States,” the granting of the stay gives grounds to believe that, should the DC court rule Obama’s plan legal, the Supreme Court could overturn that decision. The Reporter’s Guide cites “general criteria that the applicant normally must satisfy in order for the Court to grant a stay,” including that there is a reasonable probability that four Justices would agree to hear such an appeal, and that “there is a fair prospect that a majority of the Court” would overturn the lower court decision upon review.

White House Press Spokesman Josh Earnest blustered that the administration “will continue to take aggressive steps to make forward progress to reduce carbon emissions,” but representatives from the 27 states who joined the suit are celebrating. West Virginia’s Democratic Senator Joe Manchin warned the EPA it must stop its “reckless actions… immediately,” and applauded the Supreme Court “for recognizing that these regulations are simply unlawful.”

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