UK taxpayers should foot £2billion or more to adopt Snoopers’ Charter, says Inquiry

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‘The first Parliamentary report into the UK’s draft Investigatory Powers Bill, commonly referred to as the “Snoopers’ Charter”, says it has great potential to damage the nation’s technology sector and the public should therefore pick up the tab for the £2bn (US$2.85bn) or so it will require to implement the data-harvesting legislation.

That’s the gist of the report into the Bill, issued today by the UK’s Science and Technology Select Committee.

The report argues that complying with the Bill will cost business so much that they’ll be disadvantaged when competing with foreign rivals. The report also worries about reputational costs associated with the Bill’s provisions for state hacking and mandatory decryption.’

Read more: UK taxpayers should foot £2billion or more to adopt Snoopers’ Charter, says Inquiry

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