Virulent Hypocrisy at the NY Times

The New York Times vendetta against Donald Trump continues with its latest theme that The Donald is “vulgar.”  This highly newsworthy charge recently made it to the front page with the headline, “With a Slur for Ted Cruz, Donald Trump Further Splits Voters.”  The Times tells us that the slur involved a “vulgar word.” How this “splits voters” is not made clear – but never mind.

Not until paragraph ten, after a boring slog through nine paragraphs of gratuitous anti-Trump invective do the two intrepid reporters required to track down this momentous story inform us what the “”vulgar word” is, thus:  “In New Hampshire on Monday, Mr. Trump shared with an audience a supporter’s comment about Mr. Cruz.  “She said, ‘He’s a pussy’, he told the crowd.translated by English language media as ‘Putin has Pissed Himself’, “Putin Chickened Out’, ‘Putin Got Scared’ or ‘Putin is Wetting Himself’”.

Nothing happened as a result of this crude insult – nor should it have.  Speech on the street should be as free as possible.  But the next day the group entered an Orthodox Church, doffed their winter clothes and starting dancing on the altar and singing.  Continuing from the same source, “They used the crude epithet ‘Sran Gospodnya’ which has been used to translate ‘holy shit’ in Hollywood movies, but it is rarely used in idiomatic Russian; it literally translates as ‘shit of the Lord’.  … They referred to Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill as a ‘suka’ (bitch) and accused him of believing more in Putin than God.’”

That got them in trouble and some even landed several of their “collective” in jail until Putin issued a pardon releasing them.  (Putin and Medvedev had both been on record opposing the jail terms meted out to the two women.  Patriarch Krill, the “suka,’ felt otherwise.)

But the NYT has been unable to praise Pussy Riot highly enough and they were, in fact, the toast of Manhattan on their U.S. tour in 2014.  You see, at the Times, there is a good pussy and bad pussy.  And if the “pussy” is anti-Putin it is good.  But if it is pro-Trump, it is bad.

The post Virulent Hypocrisy at the NY Times appeared first on LewRockwell.

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