What’s the SALT Pistol?

Originally published by AmmoLand.com.

Detroit, Michigan – It’s become a cliché to say that Chicago is a dangerous town.

Despite its strict gun controls, Chicago has often ranked as one of the most violent cities in the U.S., and one such violent incident made a very big impression on neighbors Adam Kennedy and Andy McIntosh.

When a young man they knew was shot to death on their block in 2014, they began to ponder ways to keep themselves and their families safe, and still keep a gun in their home, yet avoid anyone having to die in the process.

We “gun guys” and gals know the classic dilemma when children are in the home; a child will ultimately get into just about everything, yet an unloaded and/or locked up firearm will be useless if an intruder breaks into your home in the middle of the night.  There are stopgap measures, such as rapid access safes, yet as I’ve written previously, a good many of them are useless in keeping kids out, and add a delay – a barrier – between you and your gun. oleoresin capsicum, naturally derived from ghost peppers and familiar to anyone who uses traditional pepper spray.  Lastly, there’s even a bit of picatinny rail for mounting lights or lasers on the pistol.


As I look over their website, it seems obvious that the two men have a genuine passion about personal protection while placing a premium on keeping everyone safe, including innocent children and family members, and yes, even the hapless bad guy who might barge in uninvited.  In their FAQ section is the question: “Are you trying to take away the right to bear arms in this country”, to which they answer,

“No, we are not.  The mission of SALT is to keep the people you love safe.  If a traditional firearm is the best safety device for you and your family, then we support you.  But we also want to support the 2/3rds of American households who do not feel like a traditional firearm is the right choice for them.  So SALT was created to provide a new type of safety for those 76 million households left unprotected today.”

My only trepidation is a reference to an anti-gun study by Dr. Arthur Kellermann in their FAQ section under the question, “How dangerous is a traditional firearm anyway?”



I cannot decide if this is included in order to extoll the virtues of their safer gun (a.k.a. a marketing gimmick), or if this is something that they still believe, as I once did before checking into it. (I have written to them about this. I’ll post an update should a reply be forthcoming.) Yet overall, their stated support of those who choose traditional firearms and rejection of the whole “smart gun” idea, as well as referring to their creation as a “gun”, rather than some pithy metaphor to appease the hoplophobic reader leads me to think that what you see is what you get. Also good news: the SALT Pistol does not trip any “trigger laws” that will bar the sale of traditional firearms, which might account for the lack of any reaction on the part of the NRA and other gun rights groups.

So if you’re a parent, or have an unstable family member in your immediate household that makes having a readily accessible firearm difficult, perhaps the SALT Pistol could be a good option for you.

Reprinted with permission from AmmoLand.com.

The post What’s the SALT Pistol? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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