Your Incredible Shrinking Brain

By Dr. Mercola

Scientists have linked physical exercise to brain health for many years.

In fact, there’s compelling evidence that physical exercise helps build a brain that not only resists shrinkage but increases cognitive abilities1 by promoting neurogenesis, i.e. your brain’s ability to adapt and grow new brain cells.

In essence, physical activity produces biochemical changes that strengthen and renew not only your body but also your brain — particularly areas associated with memory and learning.

The converse is also true. Researchers have shown a sedentary lifestyle correlates to brain shrinkage, which increases your risk of memory loss and other cognitive problems.

As recently reported by Newsweek:2

“A new study3 published … in Neurology links low levels of physical fitness in midlife to lower brain tissue volume two decades later. These findings affirm the role physical fitness plays in protecting the brain as we age.

‘Brain volume is one marker of brain aging…and this atrophy is related to cognitive decline and increased risk for dementia,’ says lead author Nicole Spartano …

‘So it is important to determine the factors — especially modifiable factors, such as fitness — that contribute to brain aging.’”

The FDA is threatening the existence of our food supply. We have to start taking action now. I urge you to share this article with friends and family. If we act together, we can make a difference and put an end to the absurdity.

Thankfully, we have organizations like the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) to fight back against these corporate giants. So please, fight for your right to know what’s in your food and help support the GMO labeling movement by making a donation today.

I have found very few organizations that are as effective and efficient as OCA. It’s a public interest organization dedicated to promoting health justice and sustainability. A central focus of the OCA is building a healthy, equitable, and sustainable system of food production and consumption.

Internet Resources Where You Can Learn More

Here are useful resources to help you learn more about GMOs and what you can do to fight back:

Sources and References

The post Your Incredible Shrinking Brain appeared first on LewRockwell.

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