Famous TV Leftist

Tingly-legged windbag Chris Matthews got caught in a pay-to-play scandal involving his wife’s campaign and his TV show. The blond blowhard has been soliciting donations for his wife’s congressional campaign in exchange for appearing on his show, enabling the donors to be seen by Hardball’s dozens of viewers. MSNBC should can the tiresome phony right away.

Not even savvy enough to time the donations in a less obvious way, some were made within a few days of the appearances. Matthews’ guests had given Kathleen Matthews’ campaign nearly $80,000 as of December 31, 2015.

This is just the latest evidence Matthews thinks rules and standards don’t apply to him. Back in 2009, he and his wife went to a church to buy a Christmas tree without his wallet. They picked out a tree and had the young man working the tree lot load it into their car, before telling him that he forgot his wallet. Matthews asked the teen volunteer to let him take the tree without paying and come back and pay later. When the teen said he couldn’t allow that, Matthews had a fit and said, “I’m Chris Matthews!” When the church volunteer wasn’t impressed enough to break the rules, Matthews sat in the car while his wife walked back to the house to get his wallet. The fair-haired fop barked, “See what you made her do?” When Matthews’ wife returned with his wallet, they didn’t even leave the poor volunteer a tip. He could have at least booked him as a guest on his show.

Matthews, who has been known to fuss with his hair for hours and terrorize MSNBC staffers, has always tried to be thought of as a regular guy who just happens to be in with the Washington elite. But his use of MSNBC as a cash machine for his wife’s campaign shows us that he’s just another elite deviant, with no regard for his own viewers. He promised full disclosure several times on air but only said enough to let viewers know his wife was running. Not once did he mention the donations from his guests.

If MSNBC has any respect for their viewers or for journalism, they must dump Matthews immediately. Sign a petition asking them to here.

Reprinted with the author’s permission.

The post Famous TV Leftist appeared first on LewRockwell.

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