Germany Elections Unmitigated Disaster For Western World

The elections in three German states Sunday resulted in a huge blow to Chancellor Angela Merkel, according to exit polls, as the extreme right-wing Alternative for Germany Party (AfD), based on promoting anti-refugee hysteria, captured 12% and 14% in Baden-Wuerttenberg and Rhineland-Palatinate in the west, and a whopping 24% in the eastern state of Saxony-Anhalt. “This is an unmitigated disaster” said Helga Zepp LaRouche, Chairwoman of the Civil Rights Movement Solidarity (BueSo) party in Germany. “The AfD is a dirty, disgusting phenomena. This is the way it happened in the 1930s,” noting also that such extreme right wing or even fascist parties exist all over Europe. This danger, she said, is the result of the policy failure across Europe in regard to both the refugee crisis and the economic crisis, and marks the end of the EU, which no longer has any unity whatsoever.

Leading economic and political figures across Europe, but especially in Germany, have openly warned that the insane policies announced last week by ECB chief Mario Draghi are both a sign of total desperation and a guarantee of a total collapse in the near term. Draghi’s 33% increase of the already massive QE money-printing to 80 billion euro monthly, coupled with deeper negative interest rates, is, as Zepp LaRouche said last week, simply more of the medicine which caused the disease. The entire trans-Atlantic financial system is hopelessly bankrupt, and nothing short of Glass Steagall policies to shut down the “too big to fail” banks and write off the speculative debt can prevent an uncontrolled collapse.

In the US, the reality of fascism is finally being forced into the public consciousness by the dangerous buffoon Donald Drumpf. However, as Tim Stanley of the Telegraph wrote today, while it is true that Drumpf is pushing illegal and hate-filled demagoguery:

He did not take America to war in Iraq on flimsy evidence, establish Guantanamo in contravention of human rights law or licence the torture of enemy combatants, oversee the gargantuan NSA data-gathering operation, launch a dirty war of drone strikes against both terrorists and those unfortunate enough to live near them, undermine the religious freedoms of employers who do not want to subsidize the sex lives of their workers, overrule the states wishes on marriage, compel citizens to buy healthcare products or deport thousands of illegals through aggressive round-ups.

While this is obviously an indictment of Obama, it is Drumpf’s probable Democrat opponent Hillary Clinton who is campaigning on this record of murder and mayhem.

Where does that leave America? A true revolution in thinking is required of its citizens, immediately, if the world is to escape the onrushing Hell of global war and economic chaos. Luckily, China and Russia have provided a life raft and a mission for the human race, through the BRICS, the New Silk Road, an international space program, a return to classical culture, and “win-win” relations among nations.

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