Insanity is Pulsing Through the United States

President Obama on Monday held a meeting in the White House to celebrate the “success” of the Dodd Frank Bill in preventing another collapse like that of 2008. The only problem is that the entire trans-Atlantic financial system is in free fall, sucked under by nearly $2 quadrillion in worthless gambling debts which Dodd Frank did nothing to prevent — in fact, promoted. The western economies are teetering on the brink, while the populations are being devastated by the worst drug epidemic in western history, and by suicides committed by desperate middle aged unemployed working people.

Obama and his controllers in London, meanwhile, are doing everything in their power to bring down the only portion of the world which is functioning — Russia and China. On the top of their “hit-list” is the BRICS, which represents the seed-crystal of a new world paradigm based on development, space exploration, and “win-win” cooperation between nations, as Xi Jinping describes it. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said today: `The Belt and Road was a project launched by China, but the opportunities belong to the world.”

But, Wang Yi also had to warn the US that its efforts at “muddying the waters” by instigating conflict in Korea and in the South China Sea could “plunge Asia into chaos,” and that China could not stand by in that case.

Meanwhile in Europe, NATO leaders continue to deploy greater and greater military forces up to the Russian border, preparing for war.

Yet, Putin has flanked this war drive, moving into Syria, crushing Obama’s support apparatus for the terrorist networks, and forming a working military and political relationship with the sane elements in the US military to impose a ceasefire and destroy ISIS and al Nusra. Now, Putin is showing that he can wage peace as wisely as he waged war, signing up more opposition groups every day to the cease fire and focusing fire power on the last remaining ISIS outposts.

But without turning the US around, taking on the criminals in the White House and on Wall Street, the on-rushing global war will not be averted. Practical thinking in this kind of crisis is deadly. The existing institutions are dead, as evidenced by the clown show called the 2016 Presidential election campaign. To create the required new institutions, the deadening culture must be torn down, through beauty, a return to classical culture, and creativity, in music as well as in science.

The Manhattan Project and the Texas-based restoration of NASA and the “Extraterrestrial Imperative” are the necessary starting points for mobilizing the population to that great task.

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