Leaky Gut?

Digestion is a complex process with many moving parts and there are many steps along the way for something to go wrong. One of the more increasingly common disorders is a condition known as “leaky gut.” Leaky gut, otherwise known as intestinal hyperpermeability, is when perforations develop and allow undigested food and toxins to pass back into the body. Sound like a problem? It is. Leaky gut can be the starting point for anything from food intolerances to inflammatory bowel disease. If leaky gut is a problem for you, you have options, and here are five to get you started.

1. Water

One of easiest things you can do to defend against leaky gut is to stay well hydrated. Chronic dehydration causes constipation. This, in turn, allows bacteria to linger and inflame the intestinal lining, leading to—you guessed it—leaky gut.

The post Leaky Gut? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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