Live from Geneva: UN Hypocrisy While World Food Program Drops Supplies for ISIS

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‘A report in ALALAM states that WFP food drops have landed predominantly in ISIS held territory, despite UN claims last week that the WFP had successfully dropped 21 tonnes of aid into ISIS besieged Deir Ezzor.

“Planes dropped the humanitarian help sent by the United Nations into the territory controlled by Daesh. Just two containers ended up in the areas where the Syrian army [is located],” the source told RIA Novosti.

This extraordinary turn of events and the UN false statement casts another shadow over UN neutrality and honesty. Yesterday, I listened to Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, make his address to the UN Human Rights Commission.’

Read more: Live from Geneva: UN Hypocrisy While World Food Program Drops Supplies for ISIS


David Icke – You Are Watching A Movie – Called World War III

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