Missing Burt and Murray

Time certainly flies. Seven years ago a dear friend to liberty, LRC, and yours truly, Burt Blumert, passed away.  At Burt’s passing, Gary North wrote, “He offered a kind of homespun wisdom, or maybe New York garment district wisdom, with a libertarian slant.”

I’ll never forget when my wife Deanna first met Burt, handed him a wafer-shaped rock and asked if it was actually gold (she didn’t believe me). Wafer in a palm, he moved his arm up and down and said “yea, it’s gold, about .8 ounces. Just to make you more comfortable, I’ll trade you a 1-ounce gold eagle for it.” He never had a bigger fan than Deanna. After filling her sizable order at that LRC conference in San Mateo, he told her, “just send me a check when you get home.”

As Gary explained, “He had no ego problem, even though he was a significant figure in the libertarian movement. He rarely had a bad word to say about anyone, although he might have bad words to say about the figure’s latest idea.”

“Couldn’t find it?”

“We don’t know where it went.”

Another scan determined the rock, evidently not wanting to be broken, hid up in my kidney.

I asked if this sort of thing happens often.

“It happens.”

The urologist wants me in to give him another chance.

I’m sure Burt would tell him to forget it. But I’m not as tough as Burt was. I said yes.

Burt, I can see you weighing that gold wafer in your hand. You and Murray are laughing at me somewhere. But I’m sure the doctor will find the stone this time, that IMBRUVICA® is a wonder drug, and that Trump will make America great again. Right?

What I know I know is that I wish you two were here for it.

The post Missing Burt and Murray appeared first on LewRockwell.

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