Putting Criminals on Notice

Originally published by AmmoLand.com.

USA –  Black women are buying up hand guns in record numbers.

The number one reason for the boost in new Black female handgun owners is protection.

Crime statistics for Black women have always been higher for Black women than any other race of women in American.  Sisters are now exercising their Second Amendment Right, and leveling the playing field.

On Black Friday (the largest shopping day of the year), FBI background checks to purchase firearms were up a 32%, an all-time one-day high for the agency.  Gun retailers report that 25% of buyers are first-time gun owners.

The owner of the Welch Farm Shooting Range says, “We are catering to the growing segment of Black women wanting to learn gun operation and safety.”

The history of Black women arming themselves dates back to our earliest years in this country.  Harriet Tubman even carried a gun for protection on the Underground Railroad.  She also used her rifle to threaten runaway slaves who wanted to turn back, telling them, “You’ll be free or die.  Black women activists (in the 1960′s and 1970′s) first ”used the gun as a bid for equal power within their often sexist movements, “ says Laura Browder, author of Her Best Shot: Women and Guns in America.

Black women are arming themselves and putting criminals on notice.  As this trying year progresses, expect to see more and more Black women choosing the gun as a means of self-defense and self-protection for themselves and their families.

( This article first published at blackgirlgreenworld Visit them and thanks them for the great article. )

Reprinted with permission from AmmoLand.com.

The post Putting Criminals on Notice appeared first on LewRockwell.

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