They Just Got Much Higher

I have speculated that, given the immunity offered to Bryan Pagliano, it is possible that a grand jury has been convened.  But I a not a lawyer, much less a former US Attorney.  Joseph E. diGenova, on the other hand, is one of a small group of attorneys generally considered a super lawyer, and not only a veteran US Attorney but the former US Attorney for Washington, DC, at the very top of federal prosecutors. So when Joe diGenova offers an opinion on the likelihood of a grand jury being empanelled, we (a group that includes Hillary Clinton! – possibly the first time I have even included myself in a grouping with Hillary) should pay attention.

Richard Pollock of the Daily Caller News Foundation spoke with him:

“My long experience as the United States Attorney and an independent counsel makes me conclude as a matter of professional judgment that a grand jury exists,” diGenova told TheDCNF.  “It is readily apparent to me that there is at least a grand jury impaneled for the purposes of issuing subpoenas,” he said.

The specifics of diGenova’s expert opinion are daunting for Hillary. It is not just that violations of law over classified information that are likely at issue.

“The Bureau has between 100 and 150 agents assigned to the case. They would not have that many people assigned to a classified information case….”

Remember that diGenova has actually run investigations. So he knows about resource allocation, and subject matter for inquiry.

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The post They Just Got Much Higher appeared first on LewRockwell.

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