This week in the Senate: Another assault on Federalism

Yesterday, the Senate confirmed a new Secretary of Education. Today, the Senate takes up legislation (S. 764)  creating new national standards for GMO labeling and preempting state GMO labeling laws.

I wrote about the House version of the GMO labeling laws last year and this is just as applicable to the Senate GMO bill as it was to the House:

Whatever your views on GMOs, there is no Constitutional justification for the federal government to preempt state laws in this area. There certainly is no justification for Congress to preempt private sector efforts to meet consumer demands for non-GMO foods, while allowing those who support the use of GMOs to do so.

Also, isn’t this Congress supposed to be reducing federal regulatory power, not expanding it?

Campaign for Liberty members who oppose preempting state laws and giving the federal government new power over the food we eat should call their Senators and tell them to oppose S. 764.

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