What Terrifies the Power Elite


Why Trump Haters Really Hate Trump

It’s not the hair.

Or the bad manners.

How ironic.  It took a billionaire to neuter the billionaire donor class.

Most of the media hate Trump to the core and dislike the fact they are no longer able to play kingmaker losing their power fearing they will be irrelevant with the internet displacing them.

The political class have lost the power to rule behind the curtain from paid operatives and cronies who cannot transition to the new world where the old rules of campaigning don’t apply.

Trump has spent more on hats than he has on polls so the pollsters also have lost their importance.

Diplomats worldwide are running scared because Trump will renegotiate everything from a business standpoint that cannot be bought like Hillary & her foundation.

The handwringing, the dire predictions of doom, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth have little to do with Donald’s positions, but their loss of power.

They complain Trump is bringing in new voters who are not Republican. And this is bad?

The Trump threat isn’t to the Constitution, to America’s standing in the world, or even to Republican Congressional candidates, it is to the establishment.

If you think Trump’s supporters are angry about the way the government and the business world colluded, you are right. The establishment fails to appreciate the anger.

They’re just furious. Even if Trump fails to win, there will be more in the wings. He is inspiring a change and he doesn’t even understand how profound.

Reprinted from Armstrong Economics.

The post What Terrifies the Power Elite appeared first on LewRockwell.

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