A Lot of Pants on Fire: London, Saudis, Obama Exposed at Once

Just 10 days before his trip to kiss the Saudi royal hem one more time, President Obama has been hit by a “60 Minutes” program on what he will not release—the secret “28 pages” of the 2002 Congressional investigation of 9/11, which reportedly describe the Saudis’ involvement in and support for those attacks. Democratic Party Congressional leader Nancy Pelosi called for the release of those secret pages, which is the promise to the 9/11 victims’ families Obama has repeatedly broken throughout his dismal presidency.

Will justice finally be done for the victims of 9/11? Not by Obama. He is embarrassed and under pressure from the completely bipartisan demand for the declassification. But he is completely allied with the Saudis in a murderous and disastrous series of wars, still continuing—Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen. The Saudi government immediately denounced the “60 Minutes” program, making clear the sick Wahabi monarchy could not stand such exposure.

Obama, in an April 10 interview, called the Libya war “the worst mistake of his Presidency.” He’s lying about it—his cancellation of the U.S. manned space programs was a greater crime against humanity’s future and this nation’s mission. And he continues total U.S. support for the Saudi “coalition’s” genocidal war in Yemen.

But the very lies show that the opportunity is there now, to remove him from office, the only way to really deal with these crimes before they include war—thermonuclear war—with Russia or China.

Then there is London, whose intelligence services have always controlled and used the Wahabi House of Saud. It has dominated Obama since he kowtowed to the Royal Family and Privy Council for a global bailout of Wall Street and London, at the April 2009 G-20 meeting.

London’s imperial “offshore” financial empire stands exposed by the “Panama Papers” global scandal: Half of all the hundreds of thousands of dirty money shell companies exposed in the scandal are in the British Virgin Islands; 20% of them were set up at the behest of a single bank, HSBC, the British “opium war bank” whose real name is Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking company.

British Prime Minister Cameron is ensnared personally in the scandal and may be forced out. Each new day’s action he announces in his suddenly discovered crusade “to end tax evasion” is a greater self-exposure and object of ridicule. Transparency International, the British weapon against developing countries, has suddenly “discovered” British tax evasion. The vast “London offshore” financial empire is under the spotlight.

And the entire London-Wall Street financial system of the trans-Atlantic countries is heading toward a complete collapse, as signaled by the emergency meeting of the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governor’s Monday morning and the equally sudden meeting between Obama and Federal Reserve chair Yellen Monday afternoon.

This opportunity will not come again. Leave the sinking London-Wall Street ship and take the alternative—the New Silk Road policy of the BRICS, for planet-wide great infrastructure projects, space exploration, and nuclear fusion science.

And throwing out Obama in the process, is the only action that could shake up the Presidential contest and bring out actually qualified candidates.

I’d like daily updates from LPAC.

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