Better To Betray Your Country or Your Friend?

The English writer E.M. Forster infamously said that if he had to betray either his country or a friend, he hoped he would betray the former. He was cheered for it by Oxford swells who had seen their elders slaughtered in the trenches during World War I, and by fellow homosexuals whose proclivities were illegal at the time. This was sometime in the ’30s. I remember being appalled upon reading it and saying to myself how typical it was of an effete English poof to denigrate his country.

Well, this is 2016, and I would be doing a Forster if it came down to choosing between the good old USA and a friend. No, I still prefer girls to boys, and still consider myself a patriot, but when the country continuously betrays its citizens, it’s time to call a time-out and have a rethink. How can one justify allegiance to Uncle Sam when the President of the United States unequivocally states that he will veto any bill that would allow the Saudi government to be held responsible in a U.S. court for any role in the 9/11 terrorist attacks? Add to that outrage the statement by the U.S. Secretary of State that such a bill would establish a terrible precedent. What in heaven’s name is going on here? Close to 3,000 innocent Americans are murdered by Saudi fanatics who definitely had help from Saudi diplomats inside the United States, yet the top two boys of our government insist the bill’s a no-no. Backing the Saudis over its own citizens is something olive republics in Europe tend to do—Greece, for example, will allow the camel drivers to ignore Greek laws as long as the money flows—but even a Greek prime minister would never side with the sandy types over 3,000 Greek lives.

Yet just the threat by the head camel driver to sell billions in U.S. assets if Congress passes such a bill has Osama, sorry, Obama quacking in his boots and native dress, whatever that may be. We know that the then ambassador of Saudi Arabia, Bandar, and his wife were directly involved. Funds from her bank account were discovered after the fact to have been diverted to the 16 hijackers. How can our elected leaders side with a one-family-controlled kleptocracy that has contributed nothing to society aside from funding mosques and anti-Christian propaganda, a society that stones adulterers and homosexuals to death, and one that has never been held accountable for its crimes against humanity?

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