Cheminade Campaign Quickly Draws Attention, Riles Sarkozy’s Party

Jacques Cheminade, Lyndon LaRouche’s friend in France, on Monday, April 4th, declared his candidacy to the French presidency in 2017.

Signs of the troubled times France and the trans-Atlantic community are living, are leading some people to come to their senses. Cheminade, who had been demonized by the media during the two preceding campaigns, was invited this time by national TV channel France 2 to present his candidacy at 7:40 a.m., during an interview in one of the most widely viewed morning news programs, Tele-Matin. When Cheminade later in the day went to meet with the mayors he is soliciting for the Presidential presentations, 5 out of 6 of them had seen this interview already! All in all, the audience of this program is 1.3 million viewers per day.

The interview with host Guillaume Daret, and two different slugs presenting the candidacy written by France 2, as well as another news item by AFP, pretty much set the standard for ensuing coverage in more than 40 of the most important web pages of French media, among which are the main titles of the national press: Le Figaro, the Obs, Le Monde, the majority of the regional press as well: Ouest France, the largest-circulation paper of France; Le Progrès de Lyon, le Dauphiné Libéré, the Alsace-Lorraine media, and many others. Several African media from Togo, Benin, and Gabon also covered. Sputnik published a short item with a large picture of Cheminade coming out of the Elysee when François Hollande had invited him to discuss the rules of the Presidential elections. A whole bunch of commentaries followed the Sputnik item showing a broad sympathy for the candidate.

France TV did not shy away from presenting straightforwardly the scathing indictment Cheminade launched in his interview, against the French elites for collaboration with an international financial oligarchy that is dismantling France, in an obvious reference to other collaborations in the 1930’s and ’40’s.

While some media such as Liberation, national TV channel TF1, and a few others rehashed old slanders, the vast majority picked up, without innuendo, on Jacques’ call for France to free itself from this financial oligarchy.

The right-wing Le Figaro, generally pro-Russian, wrote a longer article saying that the founder of Solidarité & Progrès told France 2, that his ambition is to bring an end to the political seraglio, and to fight against what he called the oligarchy of the incapable, a reference to an excellent book by one Sophie Coignard, who proves very clearly this new form of collaborationism. Cheminade, a native of Buenos Aires, is favorable to pulling out of the Euro and the EU, favorable to a policy of conquest of Mars, reports Le Figaro.

This is the first time that Cheminade has received so much media coverage outside of an official electoral period.

Wednesday, Cheminade was at a center of a new buzz, when one of the leaders of Sarkozy’s Les Républicains, in charge of organizing that party’s primaries for the presidential election, made a strong intervention aimed at his own party, where no fewer than 12 candidates have declared themselves for the presidential primaries, something extremely unusual but a sign of the present crisis. Following his master Sarkozy, who has been working to hype rage within his party against Cheminade because of his small votes and his Mars exploration program, he stated, “The primary was not invented so that all the right-wing Cheminades be candidates for the presidential elections. The presidential campaign is a serious business, and the primary was invented in order to have only one candidate in the second round of the presidential elections!”

This, in turn, was one of the main news items throughout the afternoon!

Cheminade has not yet responded to this baseless event, being himself on tour in the northern city of Lille, where he was invited by a management school to give a presentation, and scheduled to give an important interview to the region’s TV station, Grandlille — which will be aired six times tomorrow — and a press conference!

All this coverage provoked more than 4,000 visits to the new Cheminade2017 website, where his program is presented. 

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