Crime Can Pay If It’s Big Enough

<p><a href="https://www. avi te t/ ploa s/2016/04/lloy -bla ke fiel -gol ma -sachs-574×600.jpg" rel="attachme t wp-att-370425"><img class="size-f ll wp-image-370425 alig ce ter" src="https://www. avi te t/ ploa s/2016/04/lloy -bla ke fiel -gol ma -sachs-574×600.jpg" alt="lloy -bla ke fiel -gol ma -sachs-574×600" wi th="574" height="600" srcset="https://www. avi te t/ ploa s/2016/04/lloy -bla ke fiel -gol ma -sachs-574×600-287×300.jpg 287w, https://www. avi te t/ ploa s/2016/04/lloy -bla ke fiel -gol ma -sachs-574×600.jpg 574w" sizes="(max-wi th: 574px) 85vw, 574px" /></a></p>
<p>‘Wow, $5 billio .</p>
<p>That’s the st i g amo t Gol ma Sachs has agree to pay to settle fe eral crimi al charges over its shamef l fi a cial scams, which helpe wreck America’s eco omy i 2008. That’s a lot of gol , eve for Gol ma .</p>
<p>Yet the Wall Street powerho se says it’s “please ” to swallow this so r sl g of me ici e. Is that beca se its exec tives are co trite? Oh, come o — ba ksters o ’t o co trite.</p>
<p>Rather, they’re please with the settleme t. Tha ks to backroom eali g with frie ly prosec tors, it’s ri le with loopholes that may elimi ate early $2 billio from the p blicize p ishme t.’</p>
<p><a href="http://ri ews/latest- ews/crime-ca -pay-if-its-big-e o gh/" target="_bla k">Rea more: Crime Ca Pay If It’s Big E o gh</a></p>

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