G7 Meeting in Hiroshima – No Apology From US As Obama Plans Nuclear War

As the world is driven ever closer to global thermonuclear war under Obama’s escalating deployment of America’s most destructive military forces along the Russian and Chinese borders, the G7 Finance Ministers began meeting today in Hiroshima. An unnamed US official made it clear that, although Secretary Kerry will be visiting the atomic bomb museum, and President Obama may also when he attends the G7 Summit next month, there will be no apology for the genocidal U.S. nuclear obliteration of that city in 1945, killing at least 129,000 souls, virtually all civilians. It must be remembered that America’s last great general, Gen. Douglas MacArthur, insisted to President Truman that Japan was ready to surrender months before the nuclear atrocity, and, had he been asked (which he wasn’t) he would have informed the President that the bombing was totally unnecessary. The problem then, like now, is the influence of the British-created FBI over Truman, who was instructed to use the bomb as a means of terrifying the human race into submission to imperial dictates—emphatically including the US population, which suffers from that fear still today.

Russian and Chinese officials are daily calling for sanity in Washington and London, to end the madness. There is no threat from Russia, which is in fact showing the world how to defeat terrorism, nor from China, which is the primary force building nations across the world through the Silk Road process—a building process abandoned by the U.S. many years ago in favor of bombing countries into submission and backing color revolutions against unsubmissive nations.

Although the rest of the world is increasingly horrified by the degeneration of the United States, politically and culturally, a picture of what the nation once was under leaders such as Franklin Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy, and what it can become again, was presented at the Schiller Institute conference in Manhattan on April 7. The 250+ attendees, representing diplomats and leaders from countries around the world, scientists from NASA-linked institutions, musicians, media, students, political organizers and others, engaged in intense discussions of the Silk Road development process, the need to restore scientific thinking to the West, especially our children, and a closing cultural session, presenting music and discussion from the great classical cultures of India, China, and Europe. Helga Zepp-LaRouche closed the conference by calling on the participants to grasp the fundamental truth that science and art are universal languages, and that only through our effort to bring the population to learn to think creatively through a fight for classical culture and scientific discovery can we succeed in the political realm to prevent global war, and to create a universal Renaissance.

The video of the first two panels is available here, and the third panel, “Classical Culture: The Only Basis for a Dialogue of Civilization,” is also now available.

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