
More than 2,000 documents and sketches have been released by the Munich authorities dating from the days of Nazism which detail Adolf Hitler’s plans to build a colossal new metropolis on the site of the city.

Munich always held a special place in Hitler’s dark heart. It was where he joined the Germany army to fight in World War One and where he founded the Nazi Party after it ended.

Hitler proposed a City Of The Movement with gargantuan buildings and roads destined to last 1,000 years.

The newly released documents show that he expected the major construction projects to be completed by August 1, 1948, with the new underground railway station servicing colonies to the south and east to be up and running the following year.

At the site of the current station, he charged his chief architect Albert Speer with constructing a 600-feet high obelisk dedicated to the Nazi Party.

At its pinnacle was to be a swastika-clutching German eagle, at its base in a special glass case the blood-flecked Nazi flag that Hitler carried with him through the streets of Munich in 1923 when he failed to seize power in a coup.

Hitler had lived in Munich just before World War I and remained fond of the city. He is pictured here with architect Hermann Giesler looking at a model of the proposed new Munich. Giesler was arrested after the war but was freed after only seven years, and died in 1987

Hitler had lived in Munich just before World War I and remained fond of the city. He is pictured here with architect Hermann Giesler looking at a model of the proposed new Munich. Giesler was arrested after the war but was freed after only seven years, and died in 1987

Hitler designed railway coaches of 130 feet in length in trains 3,600-feet long to carry settlers to the conquered eastern territories.

None ever made it past the drawing board.

Double-decker train carriages were intended for people, some with bath tubs, hair salons, cinemas and flak guns on the roof.

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The post Hitlerville appeared first on LewRockwell.

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