How Long Has It Got?

The global economy turned down in earnest already in 2006 but with a massive worldwide printing and lending programme, the world has had a temporary stay of execution. But the effect of this fabricated money has now come to an end. And what else would you expect. To print money that has no value or to lend money that doesn’t exist can never create wealth or save anybody. The downturn will soon start to accelerate and eventually lead to a total failure of the financial system and sovereign defaults. But no one must believe that there will be a sudden implosion or a “reset” that solves or changes everything. Instead, what we will experience is a process with things deteriorating at a fast pace but without one single event that overnight changes everything.

It is actually happening all around us right now. Let’s just look at some examples of the stresses within the system. The ECB is facing bank failures in almost every member country. An Austrian bank just had to be bailed-in and the

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