How To Escape From Zip Ties

If you try to think of all the scary situations that people can find themselves in, you’ll realize that most, if not all of them have something in common. They all involve a feeling of helplessness. That’s the common thread in just about every scary scenario and phobia, and that’s what really scares most people. And that fear is cranked up to 11 when another person is making us feel helpless. There is nothing more frightening than being at the mercy of a violent person that wants to do you harm.

And if you ever find yourself at the mercy of another person, there’s a good chance that restraints will be involved. Rope, duct tape, and handcuffs are all possibilities, and it would be wise for you to learn how to escape those restraints. You’ll sleep easy at night knowing that you can escape any attacker that might try to hold you hostage. You won’t feel helpless when you think about these situations.

But what about zipping ties? Are there any special tricks for getting out of these restraints?

For anybody who has an average strength level, you can use the same technique that will get you out of duct tape restraints. By raising your hands above your head and forcing them down into your torso as hard as you can, you can easily snap a zip tie. However, that isn’t the only way out.

Shimmy the zip tie.

The post How To Escape From Zip Ties appeared first on LewRockwell.

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