How Well-Mannered are You?

‘Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot’, so said Clarence Thomas, an American lawyer. Very apt!

So just how perfect is your politesse?

Can you hob nob with the crème de la crème, or are you more Crystal Palace than Buckingham Palace? Take my quick quiz to find out.

1) When invited to a dinner at 7.30pm at a private house, what time should you arrive?

a) 7.20pm

b) 7.30pm

c) 7.40pm

2) When served as a first course, which is the correct way to eat asparagus?

a) With a knife and fork

b) With just a fork (in the right hand)

c) With the fingers

Take the Quiz

The post How Well-Mannered are You? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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