Is Cruz Cracking Up?

Okay, enough’s enough. Now I’m getting seriously concerned about Ted Cruz’s mental health. Ever since Trump won New York in a landslide and Cruz came away with zero delegates, he’s been talking as though he were the one who came out on top in the Empire State.

Cruz keeps railing on and on about winning five states in a row, two (Colorado and Wyoming) of which were states where Republican voters were barred from voting! No problem — zero embarrassment.

He brags about his “ground game” and his campaign team’s ability to persuade Republican party hacks … er, I mean, delegates … as though such feats make him supremely qualified to be president of the United States.

Fortunately for Cruz, however, history has proven that voters will sometimes look past a bad personality (think Richard Nixon), but craziness is something that scares the hell out of them. And the latest example of Crazy Cruz came two days ago in Philadelphia when he told a crowd, “America has always been best when she is lying down with her back on the mat and the crowd has given the final count.” Huh? What was that again?

In all fairness, I guess we can strain to figure out what we think he was trying to say, but the way he said it (with the usual Shakespearean drama added in) reminded me of one of Glenn Beck’s overly dramatic, crazier moments in his fading days of superstardom. Cruz might want to consider rewording his thought to make it sound more intelligible and rational, then redelivering the line.

Though he doesn’t seem to realize it, time is running out on Texas Ted. Sleaziness and creepiness are making his hope for a Cleveland miracle less and less likely, but if he doesn’t get a grip on himself, he may end up not even being able to pass a background check for buying a handgun. What a sad irony that would be for a hardcore, pro-gun advocate like him.

Reprinted with permission from

The post Is Cruz Cracking Up? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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