Is Hillary Hiding Her Goiter Problem?

Philadelphia-based feminist Camille Paglia won’t be voting for Hillary Clinton in next week’s Pennsylvania primary, even going as far as suggesting something shady is going on with the former secretary of state’s hacking cough.

‘My tentative theory is that Hillary may have sporadic flare-ups of goiter, worsened under stress. Coughing is a symptom,’ Paglia wrote in a column taking down the Clinton candidacy on

Clinton has had a noticeable cough throughout the primary season explaining to a New York radio host this week that it was due to ‘allergy season.’

But Paglia didn’t buy it.

‘I’m just a Ph.D., not an M.D., but I’ll put my Miss Marple hat on here,’ she wrote.

The post Is Hillary Hiding Her Goiter Problem? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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