It Was Your Bloody Hand that Unleashed 9/11, Queen Elizabeth!

It was the British system which was behind the massacre of 9/11,—the British system for which the Saudi kingdom has been a puppet throughout the 20th Century. The complicity of the Bush family and of Barack Obama in 9/11, was because the Bushes, Cheney, and most disgustingly Barack Obama, are nothing but British stooges. The coming LaRouchePAC Friday Webcast of April 22, will piece together the British control mechanism behind the Saudi hands which wrote the checks to the mostly-Saudi hijackers of 9/11. Under British orders, 9/11 was led personally by the then-Saudi Ambassador to Washington, the Prince Bandar bin Sultan whom the Bushes called “Bandar Bush.” Bandar was trained as a pilot in Britain, and inducted into certain British secret-intelligence operations. This Bandar was the kingpin on the Saudi side for the massive “Al-Yamamah” oil and dirty-money slush-fund deal with Britain, all the way back to its beginning in 1984; it has been reported that the deal put $2 billion in his Riggs Bank account in Washington; later, two of the 9/11 hijackers were even paid directly by checks drawn on that Briggs account.

The April 22 Webcast will assemble an irrefutable case that the 9/11 attacks on Manhattan (and Washington) were run by the British system,— and only the Queen, under that system, had the authority to give the go-ahead. But what supplements that case in a most fascinating way, is that Lyndon LaRouche was able in essence to forecast the 9/11 attacks a full eight months before they occurred, without yet knowing about the secretive “Al-Yamamah” deal. He didn’t know that the major attack would be in New York, but assumed it would be Washington,— ultimately the target of a secondary attack on 9/11. LaRouche didn’t know that the Saudis would be involved, but nonetheless, in a January 3, 2001 webcast, he forecast just such a “Reichstag Fire” type of terrorist attack aimed at gaining dictatorial powers for the incoming Bush-Cheney administration,—then not yet inaugurated. A terrorist attack coming from the British system,– because LaRouche knew the British system! LaRouche issued this public warning in his January 3, 2001 webcast, while he also warned top US government officials privately at about the same time.

It was with this knowledge that LaRouche watched the whole process of the 9/11 attack on Manhattan, while on the air live on the Jack Stockwell show broadcasting from Utah. As he has said, he watched the two planeloads of passengers being carried to their deaths, and the burning towers, and he knew what the issue was,– that behind it all, it was the British system. Similarly, much earlier, a formative experience for LaRouche had occurred during his military service in Calcutta, India, in August 1946. As he has described it many times, Hindus and Moslems had merged, mingling their signs and slogans, in a mass demonstration for independence in Calcutta. The British responded by suddenly firing directly into the crowd with two heavy machine-guns,— and they kept the fire going.

As he said in the April 30, 2010 EIR, “This resulted, two days later, in the breakout of what became the so-called `Calcutta riots.’ They were not riots; it was a revolution. And I was running around, calling people I knew, of these various political offices: `What’s going on now? Is this going to mean a move for independence right now?’

“The war was over. The Roosevelt policy was what it was for India, even though Roosevelt was no longer there, and the intention was the development of industry. Because you had poor people, working for a few annas a day, as pay, as labor–not enough, really, to live on—working as coolies for the British Army. This kind of situation begged the creation of sovereign government, according to the Roosevelt policy. But, Truman was not Roosevelt, but quite the contrary.”

Instead, the British forced the Hindu-Moslem partition of India, at the cost of millions of deaths and the largest mass-migration in human history.

But now, at last, the British system is over forever. Eurasia has washed its hands of the British system, and turned towards the new paradigm pioneered by Lyndon and Helga LaRouche. Now the circumstances have arisen in which Americans can free themselves from the putrefying British system, beginning by seizing this unique moment to remove Barack Obama from the Presidency.

Keep me connected, I’m in.

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