JaysAnalysis: Nina Kouprianova on Russia as Target of Western NGOs

<p>‘Critical of the leftist tyra y i mo er aca emia, Ni a tells s abo t her experie ces i the West, as well as her pbri gi g i R ssia. From there, we isc ss her rece t tra slatio s that to ch o Hitler, Stali , a Syria, as well as her a alysis of the Ukrai e, NATO a the IMF, a how color revol tio s a “h ma itaria ” age as are ofte ot what they seem. Ni a also gives s her homework recomme atio s for film, philosophy a history.’</p>
<p><iframe style="wi th: 100%; height: 231; mi -wi th: 200px;" src="https://www.spreaker.com/embe /player/sta ar ?episo e_i =8310059" wi th="300" height="150" framebor er="0" scrolli g=" o"></iframe></p>
<p><a href="http://21stce t rywire.com/2016/04/27/jaysa alysis- i a-ko pria ova-o -r ssia-as-target-of-wester – gos/" target="_bla k">So rce</a></p>

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