Overflow Crowd Attends Movisol Conference on Glass-Steagall and New Paradigm

One hundred, twenty people, more than expected, participated yesterday in a conference on “Glass-Steagall or Banking Crimes” organized by Movisol, Lyndon LaRouche’s association in Italy, in Montichiari, Brescia, cosponsored by two other local associations. Liliana Gorini, chairwoman of Movisol, and Massimo Lodi Rizzini of Movisol were the main speakers. They gave a clear picture of the alternative before all Italians: Join LaRouche’s campaign for Glass-Steagall, a new paradigm in economics, or get ready to see all their savings stolen in order to save a dying financial system, which is doomed anyway.

Massimo Lodi Rizzini spoke first on the collapse of the financial system, and counterposed the British imperial system to LaRouche’s physical economy, quoting Franklin Roosevelt. Gorini reminded the packed audience about a conference Movisol had held in Sanremo three years ago, in which the alternative between Glass-Steagall or bail-in was made clear, and people refused to believe it. “Italy is not Cyprus, Italy is not Greece” they had insisted, Gorini said. “When Banca Etruria collapsed, together with three other banks, and a client committed suicide after he lost all his money to bail-in, it became clear to everybody that Movisol and LaRouche were right. … Now, thanks to the LaRouche PAC campaign and mobilization, including the mobilization for Glass-Steagall during Christmas and New Year’s which Movisol joined, Glass-Steagall is the main theme in the U.S. presidential campaign,” Gorini stressed.

She called on all participants to join Movisol’s campaign, sending our petition (which was distributed to all participants) to their politician, mayor, city councilman, exactly as LaRouche PAC activists did in the U.S., and also to the press which has not covered the debate on Glass-Steagall either in the U.S. or in the Italian Parliament, and to demand an urgent discussion on this life-and-death issue for all of us. “I cannot guarantee you that we will win this fight, but I know for sure that each one of you can make the difference” she said.

People responded very well, saying that they knew something was very wrong about the present economic system, but now it was clear why, and also that there is an alternative to it, which they did not know before (Glass-Steagall).

The organizers of the conference, two former city councilmen, Elena Fontana and Massimo Gelmini, thanked the two Movisol speakers for their clarity and enthusiasm, and plan to organize more such “town hall meetings” in the future.

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