The Healing Properties of Serrapeptase

Discovered in the early 1970’s, this proteolytic enzyme was isolated from the Serratia species of bacteria located in the intestines of silkworms. Serrapeptase, also called serratiopeptidase, is truly a superior enzyme that provides strong, healthful properties.Today Serrapeptase is used all over Europe and Asia in clinical settings. It has the ability to break down non-living tissue in the body.

Serrapeptase is perhaps one of the world’s most exciting enzymes being studied in regard to its wide variety of clinical applications. Currently, especially in Europe and Asia, it is clinically used for many, many negative health conditions. One of the most well-known proponents for this enzyme was the German physician, Dr. Hans Nieper. He had great success supplementing with serrapeptase to promote normal heart and circulatory system health.3. Helps with Traumatic Injuries

Serrapeptase is widely used in Europe as a supplement for traumatic injury (such as sprains and torn ligaments), as well as the swelling associated with post-surgical patients.

4. Pain, Edema, and Swelling

Serrapeptase has been approved as a standard remedy in many European countries for swelling. A double-blind German study on the enzyme found that it could reduce swelling by up to 50% in post-operative patients. Patients taking serrapeptase experienced statistically significantly less pain than the control groups and, by the 10th day of the study, all patients taking the serrapeptase were completely pain-free.

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