The One Answer to Universal Government Fraud

Charles Hugh Smith begins his essay on widespread fraud in the rhetorically correct way: by stating the truth in a list of short observations.

This can’t be said politely: the entire status quo in America is a fraud.

The financial system is a fraud.

The political system is a fraud.

National Defense is a fraud.

The healthcare system is a fraud.

Higher education is a fraud.

The mainstream corporate media is a fraud.

Culture–from high to pop–is a fraud.

Need I go on? who lost? Almost none.

Mainstream media are frauds all over the world.

There are healthcare systems that are not frauds. The rich have concierge medicine. Where there is no government support, medical technology advances, and prices fall. Think of cosmetic surgery. Think of laser eye surgery. Meanwhile, Canadians flee to the USA to get treated. The British system was the pioneer in the West: the National Health Service. The Soviet Union beat Britain to the punch.

In short, when we combine Sturgeon’s law, the welfare state, and Keynesian finance, the world is in the grip of a fraudulent system.

This is altogether good. How would we like the world in which the theft implicit in the welfare state produced greater insight into the burdens of life and how to deal with them?

Bad ideas produce bad results. We should never complain about this system of moral and intellectual causation.

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