Want To Eat Like an Aristocrat?

Today’s foodie culture is characterized by End of the Empire over-the-top excess.

We are constantly hectored to eat well, but what does this mean?Does it mean to eat more like wealthy elites, or to eat healthier food?

Actually, these two are equivalent: the Aristocracy eats much healthier than the bottom 95%, most of whom are gaining weight and acquiring the resulting chronic illnesses: The World Is Getting Fatter and No One Knows How to Stop It .

It’s not by chance that the Chinese political Elites maintain organic farms to grow the food they consume, nor is it chance that slim, fit people tend to be wealthy: they have the time and money to eat well, maintain a fitness regime, etc.

So what’s the secret to eating like the Aristocracy on a peasant budget? Grow it yourself, make it yourself. Take control of your food source, prepare your own meals with real ingredients and eat sparingly.

Today’s foodie culture is characterized by End of the Empire over-the-top excess: dishes are absurdly complicated, and exotic ingredients and novel combinations are de rigueur (required by current fashion). While portions are small at the top of the foodie pyramid, portions are huge in the lower 95% of the prepared food universe.

When sodas were a luxury, the bottles held less than 12 ounces of liquid sugar. Now soda servings at fast-food outlets are so excessive, each container is enough for 6 people–but one person consumes it all.

Both the refinement and the cost of restaurant food are levitating to truly insane heights: people slavishly line up to buy a trendy chef’s bowl of ramen noodles–once a cheap lunch–for $20 a pop, gladly pay $3.25 for a tiny little doughnut with a special glaze, and fork over $100 per diner as The New Normal at chic bistros.

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